Sunday, June 2, 2013

K.A.R.M.A. by Grant McKenzie

They won't be victims anymore.

In Seattle, an aging mutual-funds salesman falls prey to the lure of a young boy's flesh;
In New York, a 10-year-old plunges an ice pick into the heart of a street hustler to prove his love for a girl he met on the Internet;
In Chicago, a young girl waits in the rain outside a seedy downtown bar for a man she's never met to stagger home;
In Vancouver, a teenager waits patiently on a deserted rooftop for a signal that one of North America's most notorious murderers is about to walk free.
Tom Hackett, a Seattle-based freelance photojournalist, is always looking for the perfect front-page splash, but when he stumbles into the bloody path of the mysterious group known as K.A.R.M.A., he quickly discovers that its thirst for revenge is unquenchable -- and it won't let anyone get in its way.

Free on Amazon Kindle 06/01/2013